Quantum State Vectors: Algebraic Operations

linza Oluoch
4 min readOct 27, 2020


The binary system that is used in digital devices has two states: 0 and 1. In quantum computing, these states are represented as vectors; but unlike normal vectors, state vectors are denoted using the ket notation, |v⟩. Thus, 0 = |0⟩ and 1 = |1⟩. Quantum state vectors simply point to a specific point in space that corresponds to a particular quantum state.


A vector space, V, over a field, F, is a set of vectors where two conditions hold:

1. Adding two vectors that are elements of the vector space, V, will yield a third vector, which is also an element of V.

2. Scalar multiplication between a vector,| a⟩ ∈ V, and a scalar, n ∈ F, is also a member of V.

Algebraic Properties of Vectors

State vectors can be expressed in the [x,y] format such that:

State Vector | 0⟩
State Vector | 1⟩


Vector Addition — The sum of two vectors is another vector.

Given vectors |α⟩and|β⟩: |α⟩+|β⟩ = |γ. In normal vector operations:

Vector Addition

Additive Properties of Vectors

1. Vector addition is commutative. |α⟩+|β⟩ = |β⟩ +|α⟩

2. Vector addition is associative. |α⟩+(|β⟩+|γ⟩)= (|α⟩ +|β⟩)+|γ⟩

The null/zero vector, |0⟩, has two properties that are shown in equations 1 and 2 below.

There exist a null vector with the property |α⟩ + |0⟩ = |α⟩
For every vector |α⟩, there exist an inverse vector (1-|α⟩) such that |α⟩ + (1-|α⟩) = |0⟩

Vector Multiplication — vector multiplication can be done in three ways: scalar, dot, or cross product.

Scalar Product involves the multiplication of a vector by some real number m or n.

1. Commutative Law of Multiplication

Normal Vector Addition operation
Commutative Law of Multiplication, where m is a scalar

2. Associative Law of Multiplication

Associative Law of Multiplication where m and n are scalars
Associative Law on normal vectors

2. Distributive Law of Multiplication

Distributive Law
Distributive Law

Matrix Multiplication

Matrices are mathematical objects that transform vectors to other vectors:

| v⟩ → | v′⟩ = M |v⟩. Matrix multiplication is given by the general formula:


Vector multiplication can also be an inner/dot product or a cross product.

Inner/Dot Product

In normal vector operations, the dot product of two vectors, A and B, is defined as the product of the magnitudes of A and B and the cosine of the angle θ between them. Therefore, A.B = AB cos θ and A.B is a scalar.

Dot Product

However, the dot product of two state vectors |α⟩and|β⟩ is a complex number:

The dot product has the following properties:

1. Commutative

2. The dot product of a vector by itslef is greater than or equal to 0 and |α⟩.|α⟩ is only equal to zero if |α⟩ is 0.

Property 2 from Griffiths Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

3. Associative

Cross Product

The cross product of A and B is a vector C = AxB (read A cross B), which is the product of the magnitudes of A and B and the sine of the angle θ between them.

AxB = AB sin θ u where is a unit vector indicating the direction of A B.

Properties of the cross product will be discussed in a different article.

Going forward, these algebraic properties will be essential in discussing the characteristics of state vectors and quantum gates.



linza Oluoch
linza Oluoch

Written by linza Oluoch

Computational Linguistics Enthusiast

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